duminică, 14 septembrie 2008

supersize it

un ong american de mediu profita de parteneriatul McDonald's – General Motors, un adevarat 'match made in heaven', pentru a le-o trage la pachet si lui ronald si gingasului hummer. sursa scandalului este promotia care adauga un hummer de jucarie fiecarui happy meal. pentru copii mai rumeni, mai jucausi, care invata de mici sa-si defineasca prioritatile.


McDonald's often emphasizes its "long-standing global commitment to environmental protection and leadership." So why did they give away 42 million toy Hummers in Happy Meals? The fast-food chain that helped make our kids the fattest on Earth cut a deal with General Motors to sell future car buyers on the fun of driving a supersized, smog-spewing, gas-guzzling SUV originally built for the military. Use the Ronald McHummer Sign-O-Matic™ to say what you think of this misguided marketing marriage.

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